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Donuts Coffee and Care

July 1 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am

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Beginning Monday October 30th, Talbot Health Services, located at 650 Park Avenue West in Mansfield will provide OPEN ACCESS for services to the community on Mondays from 9am to 11am. The program is called Donuts, Coffee and Care.

The general public is invited to come to Talbot for a FREE donut, FREE cup of coffee and the opportunity to learn about the services that Talbot provides. Talbot Health Services is based in Toledo, Ohio and operates locations throughout the state of Ohio. The core focus of treatment centers around substance abuse disorders, anxiety, depression, PTSD, grief and trauma.

If a visitor decides to pursue treatment, they can be seen immediately that day without an appointment. The process includes:

· Initial assessment by a licensed therapist

· Needs assessment with a case manager

· Psychiatric appointments available within 7 days

· Follow up case management or therapy appointment within 3 business days


July 1
9:00 am - 11:00 am
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